The Ozark Native is so
Proud of his heritage
He would never leave the area
Since it is like a grand stage.
The birds love the spring
And fill the air with song.
The fish begin to bite and
A fisherman can do no wrong.
Spring woods are full of dogwoods
And redbud trees on shady hillsides.
No place can surpass summer's beauty
And the colors on the horizon's sights.
Quail whistling across the field
And an eagle soaring across the sky.
Just a couple of examples of the
Miracles seen by an Ozark Native's eye.
Fresh air blowing in your face
As you speed across the lake
Makes all your worries leave
No matter how much time it takes.
Ozark Natives love the streams and
All the wildlife that abounds
Especially the picture perfect lake that
A peaceful sunrise surrounds.
The Ozark Native believes that no one
Is so blessed as he
To continue to live his life
In a place of serenity.
Composed for my father